Secrets of the Poker Pros: Nine Tips They Want You to Try

Many seasoned poker players will mention that much of the success they have had with online poker has a lot to do with knowing the most important things to focus on. You will be surprised to note that some of these things are fairly basic – so much that those aspiring for success in online poker might be looking too far ahead to see that what really matters is right in front of them. Here are nine tips you might want to try for better results. Culled from the pros, these strategies are doable, simple and highly relevant to any type of poker game!

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Pro Tip 1: The Key to Success is Volume

Simply put, success is the result of hundreds and eventually thousands of hours spent on practice and improvement. The most obvious (yet also the truest) tips, the more hours you spend playing online poker will yield the most number of experiences about winning, losing, what to do, what to avoid, how to think and how to act in any online poker situation.

Pro Tip 2: Manage Your Time Well

Managing your time is very important in success, because remember: you still have the other aspects of your life to attend to. One you get the hang of seeing your other responsibilities through to completion, you will definitely find ample time to pay online poker.

Pro Tip 3: Start Out with Tiny Amounts

Deposit a substantial amount of playing money but only play for small fractions of those. Don’t be swayed by quick wins; only make the amount bigger when consistency and substantial experience have been established.

Pro Tip 4: Make a Routine

Being able to focus on online poker means making a routine out of it – including the necessary tasks that prep you for it (ex. making coffee, adjusting the lights for the best playing environment, etc.).

Pro Tip 5: Go for a Good Screen View

Optimize your screen for the best playing experience by using a black background for the table and colored cards. These will allow you to see everything properly and help you make better decisions.

Pro Tip 6: Play With the Right Mindset

Put yourself in the right frame of mind when you play so you condition yourself to win. Never play when you are angry, upset or sad. These negative feelings do affect your performance for the worse. When you sit down to play, make sure you are relaxed and are thinking that you are indeed ready to play and learn from your game.

Pro Tip 7: Avoid Playing When Tired

When you play when you are tired, you do not have the right mental faculties to make sound decisions and can end up committing plenty of costly mistakes. Likewise, do not play for long stretches because even if you start out successfully fatigue can cause you to lose your wins in the end.

Pro Tip 8: Relax!

Don’t be too intimidated with online poker! Yes, there are many things to consider and monitor – but at the end of the day it is just a game. Always relax and have fun. And when you do, you will see that your game will usually have a better output.

Pro Tip 9: Close Out the Distractors

And finally, play with 100% focus. Allow no distractions to divide your attention, not even a quick glance at your email. You need to watch each bet and think why that was made in order to respond appropriately.
